Our shave and beard products are natural, artisan, and awesome! Pamper and protect your skin and beard big-time so that shaves are pain-free and growing/maintaining a beard is a breeze... not a pain in the butt. Shop our collection of shave and beard tools/supplies for the best facial hair experience ever.
Here’s the deal guys. If you shave, you shave A LOT. So, if you’re going to do something thousands of time, do it with quality products. Furthermore, if you grow a beard, then you know growing it is just the beginning. Once you’ve grown your scruff out, maintaining a beard properly almost becomes a second job. But don't stress. Whether you're rocking a total baby face or an epic lumberjack beard, we've got you covered!
Pre-Shave Oil – This shaving wonder will make the razor glide across the face so your shave is incredibly smooth and pain-free with no in-grown hairs, bumps, or razor burn.
Shave Cream – Our shave creams are all-natural, artisan-crafted and protect the skin big-time. It’s super rich so you only need to use a little each time.
Aftershave Balm – Natural unscented aftershave balm is ridiculously soothing helping to heal, protect, hydrate just-shaved irritated skin.
Beard Oil – Softens the beard hair, and brings a ton of moisture to the hair and the skin underneath so you don’t get beard flakes.
Beard Balm – An incredible conditioner and styling aid for beards. It also helps hydrate the skin underneath and helps get rid of beard flakes too.
Safety Razor – Classic butterfly safety razor has excellent heft perfect for balance and its textured handle makes it easy to hold.
Beard Care Kit - This set includes everything needed to take your beard game next level (Balm, Oil, & Brush) plus it save over 10% ($7) as a kit!
The Stubble Buddy - The game-changing beard and manscaping vacuum tool to clean up your hair trimmings after you trim your beard or manscape.
Beard Care Comb & Scissor Kit - Mini beard kit includes a beard comb for easy grooming and beard scissors for easy trimming.
Military Hair & Beard Brush - Beard brush styles your hair, beard, mustache, and more. It even helps eliminate patchy areas in your beard.
Dual-Sided Pocket Comb - Dual-sided strong, sturdy, pocket-sized comb is equipped with fine & coarse teeth to tackle, style, and detangle every type of hair, beard, or mustache.
Fogless Shower Mirror - Makes shower shaving, manscaping, and more a total breeze with this super easy to use shower essential tool.
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